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Um Catálogo de Stubs para Apoiar o Teste de Integração de Programas Orientados a Aspectos

RÉ, R. ; MASIERO, P. C. . Um Catálogo de Stubs para Apoiar o Teste de Integração de Programas Orientados a Aspectos. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2008, Campinas. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software. Porto Alegre : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2008. v. 1. p. 65-80.

Using Structural Testing to Identify Unintended Join Points Selected by Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Progams

LEMOS, O. A L ; MASIERO, P. C. . Using Structural Testing to Identify Unintended Join Points Selected by Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Progams. In: 32nd Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, 2008, Kassandra. Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE SEW (presented and accepted for publication in post-proceedings), 2008.

Minimizing stub creation during integration test of aspect-oriented programs

RÉ, R. ; LEMOS, O. A L ; MASIERO, P. C. . Minimizing stub creation during integration test of aspect-oriented programs. In: Aspect-oriented software development, 2007, Vancouver,CA. Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Testing aspect-oriented program. New York, USA : ACM Press, 2007. v. 210. p. 1-6.

A Fine-Grained and Flexible Version Control for Software Artifacts

JUNQUEIRA, Daniel Cárnio ; BITTAR, T. J. ; FORTES, R. P. M. . A Fine-Grained and Flexible Version Control for Software Artifacts. In: SIGDOC 2008, 2008, Lisboa - Portugal. Proceedings of he 26th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication. New York, USA : ACM Digital Library, 2008. v. 1. p. 185-192.

Abordagem para o desenvolvimento e avaliação de interfaces multimodais Web

Talarico Neto, Americo ; BITTAR, T. J. ; FORTES, R. P. M. ; Felizardo, Katia Romero . Abordagem para o desenvolvimento e avaliação de interfaces multimodais Web pautada em princípios de usabilidade. In: VIII Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais IHC 2008, 2008, Porto Alegre RS. Anais. Porto Alegre RS : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação SBC, 2008. v. 1. p. 21-30.

System Description: An Orienteering Strategy to Browse Semantically-Enhanced Educational Wiki Pages

PANSANATO, Luciano T e ; FORTES, R. P. M. . System Description: An Orienteering Strategy to Browse Semantically-Enhanced Educational Wiki Pages. In: The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 2007, Innsbruck,Austria. ESWC 2007 - 4th European Semantic Web Conference. Heidelberg : Springer Berlin, 2007. v. 4519. p. 809-818.

Functional and Device Interoperability in an Architectural Model of Geographic Information System

CARVALHO, D. F. ; ESTRELLA, J. C. ; FREIRE, André Pimenta ; GOULARTE, Rudinei ; SANTANA, R. C. ; FORTES, R. P. M. . Functional and Device Interoperability in an Architectural Model of Geographic Information System.. In: SIGDOC 2007, 2007, El Paso - Texas. Proceedings of 25th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication. New York - USA : ACM Press, 2007. v. 1. p. 127-133.

Techniques for Developing More Accessible Web Applications

FREIRE, André Pimenta ; GOULARTE, Rudinei ; FORTES, R. P. M. . Techniques for Developing More Accessible Web Applications: a Survey Towards a Process Classification.. In: SIGDOC 2007, 2007, El Paso - Texas. Proceedings of 25th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication. New York - USA : ACM Press, 2007. v. 1. p. 162-169.

Using an Orienteering Strategy to Browse Semantically-Enhanced Educational Wiki Pages

PANSANATO, Luciano T e ; FORTES, R. P. M. . Using an Orienteering Strategy to Browse Semantically-Enhanced Educational Wiki Pages.. In: IADIS International Conference e-Learning, 2007, Lisboa. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference e-Learning, 2007. v. 1. p. 1-8.

ValiPVM - A Graphical Tool for Structural Testing of PVM Programs

SOUZA, Paulo Sergio Lopes de ; Sawabe, E. T. ; SIMÃO, Adenilso da Silva ; VERGILIO, Silvia Regina ; SOUZA, S. R. S. . ValiPVM - A Graphical Tool for Structural Testing of PVM Programs. In: Euro PVM/MPI 2008, 2008, Dublin. LNCS - Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 2008. v. 5205. p. 257-264.